MTI Certification

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Thanks for keeping your MTI Certification current. This will allow you to maintain access to the Alumni Center, be listed on the MTI website teacher directory, participate in online Alumni-only tutorials and retreats, and receive MTI Alumni newsletters.

To maintain certification, graduates commit to the following:

  • At least one weeklong silent meditation retreat per year (waived for 2023 recertification)
  • Maintaining a daily personal meditation practice
  • Supervision for Mindfulness teaching
  • Committing to the 5 ethical teaching guidelines

Please complete each step of the following process, as it grants us important permissions for how we use your information during this certification year. Note that your certification is not active until you’ve completed all steps. If you are seeking subsidised fees or have any questions about certification or the MTI Alumni Program, please contact us.

Step 1: Contact Info, Online Directory Listings, and Email Opt-In
Step 2: Annual Practice Report (new grads skip this step)
Step 3: Certification Fees